
Monday, December 16, 2013


“The Sun of Righteousness shall arise with Healing in His Wings.” Malachi 4:`2

    The son of David and Maria Stanza, David Jr. the eldest son of this St. Paul, Minn. Catholic family dealt with the ongoing
repercussions of traumatic brain injury and post traumatic stress disorder. JR., the name that family and friends called him, struggled for months attempting to make sense of civilian life. Retreating more from the daily areas of living, JR. found
himself ultimately isolating himself from all the enjoyable things of life.
   JR. admitted himself to the confines of Walter Reed National Medical Center, with these words; “Nothing can hurt me.
Nothing can scare me. I need no one, and no one needs me.” The doctors of this center recognized JR`s malady, for the
studies of recent years had enlightened them concerning the disharmony JR. suffered.  JR. followed the advice of the counselors  and soon recognized how distant he had become from the enjoyments of life.
   Joining the activities of `Team River Runners`, a nonprofit fellowship of veterans from around the country. JR. quickly
was rejuvenated by the healing power found in Nature’s running rivers and streams. This fellowship of kayaking and fast water canoeists has had the effect of healing for a large percentage of the members.
   Today, unlike the previous generations of military veterans there are many outreaches offered by the Dept. of Veterans
Affairs and other community programs assisting in the physical and psychological issues of present day returning G.I.`s.
   The awareness of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder-P.T.S.D., Traumatic Brain Injuries-T.B.I.`s, suicide, substance abuse,
alcoholism, and depression caused isolationism, has increased in the medical and clinical associations. These groups are
working together in much closer affiliations with themselves and the veterans than ever before.
   Throughout history the internal injuries of the `Protectors of Freedom` the Armed Forces, have always been studied.
The terms; A Soldiers Heart, Shellshock, Battle Fatigue, and Sailors Sorrow, are just a few of the many names given to
describe the `Fight to Fight Stress` personalities related to the disharmony found in veterans.
   On Sept. 16th 2011, a former Navy Reservist, shot and killed 12 people at the Washington Navy Yard. This event is
just one of the many tragedies caused by the complications of the psycho-emotional states of war time veterans.
Veterans of the Vietnam War era finally after many years of denial and lack of knowledge are stepping forward to
receive the therapeutic assistance of present day research.  The Armed Forces Health Surveillance Centers throughout
the U.S.A. have recently listed alcoholism, drug addiction, and domestic violence, as the major areas of discord.
   The many misconceptions of the past have been eliminated over the past 35 years. Therapies of various types also
have proven to be beneficial to the once `hopeless, helpless, homeless, veteran.` Advertisements, TV announcements,
radio interviews, and the National Veterans Crisis Line (1-800-273-TALK) have opened doors of healing to veterans,
families, and friends.
    Being a veteran myself, I have personally experienced the the positive benefits of therapy, along with the grace
supplied by God because of the many that pray for veterans.

Here is a short list of Health references available to veterans and their families:                                                                      
National Call Center for Homeless                                                         Veterans.....1-877-4AID-VET.

  Lets not forget the Armed Forces Members and the Veterans this Christmas Season !!
Always Remember `FREEDOM is not FREE !!`

Br. Phil Bara.   12-4-13

Sunday, November 17, 2013


Saying that the U.S. immigration system is "broken" is like saying that the girl's hymen is broken after she has been raped.  Saying that the health care system in the U.S. is "broken" falls into the same category.
These are not "broken" systems. they have been raped, and in fact, not just raped, but gang raped.

In 1986 the Simpson - Mazzoli act became law.  The core of the law is that no person who is not able to prove via documentation that he/she has the legal right to be in the country should not be hired to work.
This was the time of the creation of the form I-9.  I was a director of human resources for a large international company in San Diego, California at the time.  I saw what was coming, so I attended the training sessions that the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) presented to human resources managers, directors and other significant business leaders to learn how to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit documents.  As it turns out, it was far from rocket science, to use an old expression.  It took me about 30 seconds to realize that an authentic Social Security card was printed by an inked,cloth like ribbon and you could tell immediately.  Cards that were printed from any other media were bogus.  
I also learned how to detect counterfeit "Green Cards" in a flash.  No one got by me.  No one.  Some challenged my judgment and none won.  
I had to deal with sloppy "temp" agencies.  That was easy.  If they did not cooperate with me, they lost the business.  It also cost them a lunch for which they got nothing but my stiff-necked refusal to hire undocumented people that they presented.  It was easy.  I learned and I acted.  I refused offers for money, gifts and yes, sex.  In one instance, the most pressure was laid to bare by a politically well placed engineering director of a very successful and well heeled government contractor.  I beat him too.  
The immigration system is not broken.  It has been raped for all the years that it has been in place.  Yes, the very people who passed the laws, the very people who have the responsibility to enforce the law prefer to take money and make whores of themselves rather than to live by what they propose that others should practice.  
The next time you hear that a "system" is broken, any system, rest assured that the person who is saying that is one of the whores who takes the money from the "johns" who don't want to submit to the requirements of the system.  I have stories about the health care system too.  I also have stories about the labor law system.  I do not have to invent them.  They happened right in front of my very eyes.  Some of them are still happening.  
So, friends and neighbors, enjoy the ride.  It takes a real sense of humor to be able to get through life.  I often wish I had the talent of a political cartoonist.  I don't, so I guess I'll just have to get by with the little talent that I have.

** Liberation from the Beast**

As I have journeyed through life, over many winding paths, I have tasted the many fruits of the Tree of Life. Not all of the fruit were sweet, some were filled with bitterness. In my early days of searching for Peace within myself. I wandered into the deceptions and delusions of the bad fruit that looked good. Ahh!  the wonders of psychedelics, methamphetamines, and the thirst quenching beverages of alcohol.  
These beverages never quenched my thirst, only made me thirst for more.   Trusting in the combinations of these fruits to lead me to an enlightenment, only led me to be seduced into a web of illusions, deceptions, and debauchery.
I lived this life of darkness and found that with it came the treasures of darkness. A falsehood that caused me to believe that I was blessed with all that life had for me. As time proceeded the treasures became the chains that held me tight in a grip that I could not break free from. The only way that I seemed to be blessed in these chains was to partake more of the fruit that caused more bondage. These chains I found were held by a `beast`, a beast that was never satisfied by the amount of the bitterness, guilt, shame, and debauchery that I continued in.
I became fodder for this beast because rapidly all the pleasures that I had found were taken and I had no way to hold on to the blessings I thought I had. Soon my life with every bit of myself was to be consumed by this beast.
Suddenly a moment of time arrived when a traveler on this planet Earth collided with me crossing this path of destruction. This traveler introduced me to a group of travelers that knew of my agony and pain. These travelers asked me if I desired to be freed from this beast. I cried in anguish the answer; “Yes ! I need to be free !!”   With the quarter of sanity that I had I grabbed hold of this `Spiritual Rope` that was offered to me.  I grabbed hold of this Rope with both hands, and I was led to a step called `Surrender`.   I being defeated and close to death, I found this Surrendering easy.  
Feeling better, healthier, and having a position of employment that gave me an income, I became seduced by the sound of a familiar voice. The voice called me in a very sensual way, similar to the songs of the mythical Siren of Greek lore. The glamor enticed me to follow its leading, surely this time all will be different. I am much healthier and I will not allow myself to be chained, this time. “ I can do this !!  There is still fun to be had !!”  A new battle cry !! ......!!
A day arrived unlike any other that I had experienced occurred. A day in which I had a need, a need to find the `Rope`. The Rope that had in the past brought me to health and a life that I had gave me a freedom of choice. I was brought to my knees pleading in prayer that a traveler would once again cross my path on this downward spiral. That same day I was approached by a traveler that recognized me. Once again I was offered the Rope, this Rope that led to Liberation. I grabbed hold of the Rope, this time tying myself around the waist.
Pulled into the gathering of travelers, I was once again led to the stairway, to the step named `Surrender`.  Being tied with the Rope I seemed to be lifted to a concept of living One Day
at a Time !!  I was introduced to a source of Power, a Way, a Truth, and a Life, that increased within me and seemed to flow through me to others. This Power I found was always close
as long as I followed directions that were suggested to me by the fellow travelers and remained willing to hold onto the Rope.
As I traveled with this clan of travelers, I have heard others cry out in the pain that I had experienced; “Please ! Help me !”  I did not know what to do to help others to be free from the
devouring beast. I asked others “What can I do ?” Following the directions that were given me and staying with the clan, these others were also set Free and Liberated from the beast.
The Journey of Life does not have to be lived alone.  For the last 50 years many have grabbed the Rope of Recovery and have been led to the Life giving steps of Narcotics Anonymous.
Freedom and Liberation from the Beast of Addiction is happening every day—One Day At A Time !!  In many countries throughout the Earth !!!
                                                                                                                                           Br. Phil B.    `15 yrs. CLEAN`

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


God of Everlasting Life, Bless us !! Thank You Lord, for all the
areas of Your Presence !!
How many times in our lives have we done things, such as
participate in social activities, and thought to ourselves, "this
is just to pass time" ?
How many times have we written simple letters and cards to
others, thinking that the writing was only momentary and would be quickly forgotten?
Many years ago, in Lorraine France, a child was born,
Nicolas Herman. As Nicolas matured he joined the Carmelite
Order changing his name to Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection.
Br. Lawrence's position at the monastery was in the kitchen.
Day after day, Lawrence prepared food, washed dishes, and
kept the kitchen clean. The tasks, although menial, were
always done with enthusiasm.
Br. Lawrence always lifted the tasks up as an offering of worship to our Creator.  The kitchen always seemed to be filled with the Presence of God. The supplies seemed to always be sufficient and the work was always done.
Br. Lawrence  would write letters to others during his free time.  A few of these letters were read by some members of the Church hierarchy. These officials were amazed at the depth, insight, and eloquence of the content in the letters.
As time progressed the interest in the letters grew. The letters were gathered together and published into a book entitled *The Practice of the Presence of God* has been, and still is, read by Catholic and Protestant students alike.
The message throughout the ages remains the same. This being that when the simple tasks of living are dedicated to God, with thanksgiving, they become an inspiration to others. A simple friendly greeting may have the Power to change someone`s Life. An action done with Love has the ability to change a community.
In reflecting upon this let us not underestimate the significance of the simple moments of Life.

                                            Br. Phil Bara  10-28-13
To explore more about the life and the letters of Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, ODC, click here.

Friday, October 4, 2013


Ephesians 6:12—We are not fighting against beings made of flesh and blood, but against beings without physical forms. Rulers of an unseen world, princes of darkness, roaming throughout the metaphysical realms. 
  Many of us have served in the military during times of war.  An area of importance that we encountered during our service time was the learning about and the identification of the enemy.  One of the ways to learn about the opposition was to know what the opposition was not.   Spending hours studying, practicing, and  drilling in the many ways of warfare gave us the ability to use correct tactics.  Comparing the tactics that we used against those used by the enemy gave us the ability to perceive very quickly the difference between friend and foe.  This principle is also useful in our Catholic Journey.  As we grow and proceed forward on the Path that our Faith leads.  We as soldiers in the Lord`s service learn about the challenger of our Faith by studying Scriptures. We also practice applying the Truth of Scripture in our lives which gives us the discernment of knowing the one that steals, kills, and destroys the Blessings our King Jesus gives us.  The more we participate in the many activities of our Catholic Tradition the stronger and more confident we become as members of His militia.
 Communication with Headquarters is an important area in every battle ground maneuver. Soldiers in the field need to know what the orders are on a daily basis.  We as combat warriors surrounded by the many Faith destroying minions also need to communicate with our Heavenly Commander and Chief, Jesus Christ.
Prayer is our method of contact. We request our directions, get confirmed orders by the agreement found through our leaders, and we initiate the commands by our actions.  The more we willingly persevere in our Scripture studies, our participation in the Sacraments, and our adapting ourselves to the time tested Traditions, the more areas we conquer for the Kingdom of our King Jesus Christ !!
                                                                                  October 2013.    Br.Phil. Bara

Thursday, August 29, 2013


If one walks around with the nose in the air, one is going to end up flat on one`s face. In which case, the nose would then have been brought down, by none other than the very owner of the nose in question.  But if one is content to be simply oneself, keeping one’s nose on the level and pointed in the direction of righteousness, one will become more than oneself."

 This statement is for me one of the areas that I need to persevere in. Having years of studying the Scriptures and many other Holy Writings, I on many occasions must keep my ego in check.  The Pharisees and Scribes of Jesus’ day knew all the answers to the many questions. Yet they arrogantly could not recognize the Son of God, the Messiah standing a mere nose-length in front of them.  My prayer is that I always recognize Jesus, in the many faces that appear before my nose on any given day, every day of every week.  It’s in these faces, the ones with which I come in contact everyday that I pray to see Jesus.  I need to remember that others, like me, are created in the Image and Likeness of God.
Also along with this, Scripture mentions that Angels may be the strangers with whom I converse now and then.   And not it's just me;  it's you too.  It's all of us, walking in God’s garden, side by side with one another every day. 
So let’s together remind ourselves that we are to Love others even as Jesus Christ Loves us!!

Bro.Phil Bara -- 8/29/2013

Saturday, August 3, 2013


Dung Heap Worms are found in many shapes and sizes. These can be small, so small that a microscope is needed.
There are also some large enough to be seen from a distance.    These Dung Heap Worms have the ability to blend with the surroundings, blending into other forms of life. The grouping of some of these grubs seem to consist of a very high social order. Sharing the environment with each other, these primary life forms even seem to have a `spiritual` order. Wherever decay, decomposition, and death is, there will be found the presence of these critters.
There are also Dung Heap Worms that can be found in our daily lives. These worms will infiltrate areas of life wherever change, growth, and progress is occurring. The sound of these Dung Heap Worms is the sound of the many voices clashing. The voices shout out loudly all the reasons why change, growth, and progress, should not occur. These worms will creep in and whisper about all the pain, and discomfort that will happen.
To get these Dung Heap Worms to squirm wildly, all one has to do is begin to pray, with sincerity. These worms detest Spiritual activities. These creatures crawl and multiply in the darkest areas.  Wherever the Light is shining and the warmth of Life is present these crawlers shrivel.

One finds in Scripture an example where the Dung Heap Worms caused a person to live insanely in a graveyard.
Reading chapter 5, verses 1-19, of the Gospel of Mark, the community of the village could not rid the person of these destroying eaters.     One also reads that the only solution to free the person from this miasmic condition is the Lord Jesus Christ.  Even the apostles asked Jesus how He did it.  The social activities of the village, the `pot lucks`, the parades, the reading of books, the long hours spent in tears could not rid the person of these Dung Heap Worms.

The accepting of the worms with the affirmations that ‘they always have been, so they must always be’, will not cause the devouring to stop.
  As  previously mentioned there is a solution !!  These Life stealing worms are eliminated in a way that many find, only because all the many other ways have failed.  The solution is found when one sincerely, with a humble willingness to pray, to fast and request the Lord Jesus Christ, to order these Dung Heap Worms to leave.
Many times the exorcism of the Dung Heap Worms will happen during the simple act of the "possessed soul to take advantage of the sacrament of Reconciliation or during the celebration of Holy Mass, the praying of the Holy Rosary, and by loving service to others.  The Presence of our Great Physician, Jesus Christ, will also Reconcile all areas that have been chewed upon by these Dung Heap Worms to Himself !!!
                                                                                                       With Reconciling Restoration!!  Lets be Thankful !!
                                                  Br.Phil Bara         6-21-13

Wednesday, July 17, 2013


Galatians 5:1 Jesus Christ, our                      Lord has made us Free.
II Corinthians 7:13  Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty !!!

This may seem far fetched, and it is... but it is far reaching reality.

A mother is tied to a post delivering a baby girl. A joy filled experience for the mother and others, in the back room of the brothel. The news is shared with the "grandfather".  (not as we think about "grandpa") Grandfather here is the man in charge of all activities of all reproductive activities in the "clinic" house of the *Business*.  The baby girl will be raised as a
number, a faceless one, till she begins her role in the *Business*.
Contained in a box, a room about the size of 8` x 10`, this child will be given provisions of food, shelter, and conditioned affection.  This is the beginning of another life, in the one of the oldest occupations on Earth.`farming of humans` for personal use.

According to the U.S. State Dept. there are approximately 27 million `farms` found throughout the world.  Human farming (slavery) is a well known part of the world's history. *The Business* (slavery) also known as *Human Farming* for gain is defined in the United Nations Victim Protection Act (TVPA-UN) as "any recruitment, housing, transport, providing and obtaining of any Human person, for the use in labor and service, through the use of force, fraud, coercion, or the provoking of individuals to do involuntary services, for the recreation of others."

The *Business* aka *Human Trafficking* is happening all over the world, to Humans of all ages.

In California, a 12 yr. old from Egypt is a household servant to a 1.6 million dollar land owner. The child is not allowed to leave the residence. The *Business* uses force and false promises to keep the "workers" bound to "company rules". Fear is the motivating force that keeps the workers from leaving the areas assigned. Years also go by without any of this activity being detected.
A *Business* in Africa has rules and strict discipline for any "worker" that attempts to leave camp. A few "workers" have left the area, only to be found and their toes and heels of each foot to be sliced off.  The *Business* uses deception and false promises to lure new employees.

Example: In the Philippines an ad stated ; Free room, Free food, and Travel to exciting places with some of the world's wealthiest people. There was a group of individuals who gathered their belongings, enthousiastically signing the contract. During the first year with the *Business* the time was filled with many exciting events. Then, little by little each member was transferred to other areas of the world. Upon arrival these members were escorted into `temporary` facilities, and told that they would have to earn their way into a house. Many patiently and perseveringly worked from sunrise to sunset. Each day they would be told that “soon the house will be ready."  As time continued forward, many noticed that the provisions
of life were also being cut back.  Any resistance to the conditions caused discipline to be administered in ways that are too numerous to mention.

Consider Irma, a teenage girl from Haiti who lost all that she had a few years ago. A Gentleman rescued her from her desperate situation. The man was 20 yrs. her senior, an entrepreneur, and kind, so Irma followed his advice and signed up as his residential employee. During the first five years, Irma was surrounded with wealth, courtesy, and good living quarters.  Irma willingly did the many chores on the Florida Ranch. Cleaning water tanks, brushing horses, fixing fences, and caretaking the Ranch. Not realizing that her future would change, Irma continued to be a friend, and a good girl at the Ranch...till one day Irma was found in a field, enveloped within the arms of Mother Nature.
                      Irma had earned her Freedom !!!

  As a praying community we need to mention in our prayers, and keep in our journals, the men, women, and children, around the world who are captive to the *Business*.  There are many agencies that assist those captured and held in these Human Farms. The halting of these *Businesses* can be done. If you know or hear of any trafficking of humans anywhere, call the National Human Trafficking Resource Center at 1-888-3737-888 .
Lets never forget !!!
Our Lord Jesus Christ came to Set the Captive Free !!!    
                                                     Br.Phil. Bara         7-9-13


This was written over 1,900 years ago !!  Hmmm !!  has mankind really changed ?

Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful."

Romans 1:29-31 is where this is found. This is really amazing !!  To all the relativity and humanistic social revolutionaries I can only say “ Mankind is in need of Help !!”

One of the reasons I attend Church services, Mass, and get involved.  How about you !!
                                                                    Br.Phil Bara    

Saturday, June 8, 2013


 In the Philippines, an archipelagic nation North East of Australia, there is an island known as Mindanao. The island is the second largest of this South Pacific group of islands. The large Islamic population of the island is an independent assembly, set apart from the Islam nations of North Africa and the Middle East. This demographic group of people not only separate themselves from other Muslim caliphs, they are setting boundaries and segregating the neighborhoods in which they reside through the use of force. Other Faiths of the area are driven out, even in atrocious manner. The following is a true report of such events.
Sunday, March 3-2013 : The family of a Christian Congregation, a portion of the Debarbo family was eliminated as they were departing from a birthday party. The party was in a subdivision where the majority of the populace is Muslim.  Earlier during the month of February, the family was assaulted by a group of gang members that threw verbal slurs against the beliefs that the Debarbo`s followed diligently. The family stood strong during this assault that was made against them.
Relieved that the incident ended on a rather peaceful note, they thanked the Lord.
Yet on 3-3-13, as the family was leaving a church service, Rey Debarbo, his wife, and two of the daughters, were again confronted by a gang, this time carrying M-16`s. This time though, no conversation took place, resulting in the open massacre of the four family members. The police report stated that approx. 150 rounds of ammunition had been sprayed upon the believers of Christ Jesus. There also were no witnesses or anyone who would step forward as such.
Friday, March 8-2013 : Members of the neighborhood in which the atrocity occurred displayed s a banner that read in three languages; “We are Praying for Justice !!”  No further actual action was taken by anyone.
Sunday, March 10-2013 : At the memorial service of `Br.` Rey, The mother was very torn and sorrowful over the death of her son, daughter in law, and the two younger grandchildren. The eldest daughter Kate, who survived because she attended a school function, could not speak because of the emotional shock.
Monday, March 11-2013 : The news and the police investigators stated that the family caused a disturbance in the neighborhood, that they were warned, yet did not take heed.
                 ** I am not surprised by this event and the many events that still occur in Mindanao. The persecution of Christians has been occurring since the time of our Lord. The annals of History are filled with many followers of "The Way"  *Honored,* Yes !! Honored !!
For us to give ourselves because of our Faith and Love for Jesus Christ, is for us a True Way
that proves that there is no Greater Love than to lay our Life down for our *Redeemer* Jesus Christ. Because He offeed His Life first for us. **    
                 May we “pray well !!” as was told by our Lady of LaSallette, so that we may be ready !!
                                                                                                                                      Br. Phil Bara. 6-4-13

Thursday, May 23, 2013

O Father Creator, and Lord Jesus Christ, before ascending into heaven you did promise to send the Holy Spirit to finish your work in the souls of your Apostles and Disciples, deign to grant the same Holy Spirit to me that He may perfect in my soul, the work of Your grace and Your love.
Grant me the Spirit of Knowledge; that I may know God and know myself and grow perfect in Knowledge.

Mark me, Dear Lord with the sign of Your true disciples, and animate me in all things with Your Spirit.

Come Holy Spirit! Fill Me O Spirit of Life !!  Amen


Wednesday, May 15, 2013


The Spirit of God makes the common and ordinary extremely sacred and valuable in life. Our everyday living is no longer “just another day” passing by. The Holy Spirit in our lives makes every day meaningful, enabling us to rejoice in God with gladness and sincerity of heart. An atmosphere of grace praises God, exalts Christ, and puts others first when the natural thing to do is to please oneself.
With this as our focus this Pentecost, let's *Ignite* the Fire of the Holy Spirit. First with, in, and through ourselves, by Prayer and Thanksgiving. Secondly by encouraging, uplifting, and
Loving another.

“What the world needs now is Love, sweet love...”  
Love is spread around by starting to allow Love to spread, first by what each of us say and do.

                                                            Br.Phil Bara. 5-12-13


Here is a very important Catholic Reality .......
"Amen, amen, I say unto you, except ye eat the Flesh of the Son of Man, and drink His Blood, ye have no life in you" (John 6:23).

To partake of the Body and Blood of Christ is to receive in oneself the Risen Christ, the Victor over death, granting to those with Him victory over sin and death. Preserving in ourselves the grace-filled gift of Communion, we have a guarantee and foretaste of the blessed, eternal life of the soul and body.

As Christ is with and united to the Father, and Holy Comforter. Christ is also with and united to us !!  

Jesus is the Head, and we are His Body !!   

HalleluJah !! Hosanna !!!


Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hi !!  I have learned that to be of service, or encouragement to others when I am down is a good way to change, or make better the challenges of the moment. The following is an e-mail  that I sent to a person in need of encouragement. A believer in Montana...I do not know !!
Please read and give your Wisdom (Chokmah) concerning the e-mail of edification !!!
hHalleluJah !! Jesus Christ our Ever living King, is with you !! During this Resurrection Season, may *New* Life be in, with, and  through you. May your very Breath be filled with the Freshness of His Presence. You look at your reflection in a mirror realize that our Father creator does not make junk. Gaze out into the night sky, or out to the trees, flowers, and other Beauties of Nature.
While you are doing this reflect that you are more important than any of these !! I also was once in a similar challenge !! I had to Trust in the Creator Father, in-with-through Jesus Christ, that Life is and will change for the better.
Many years ago !!! Some people that were strong in Faith felt abandoned for a few hours. The One that they left all to follow, with their whole heart, was dead and put into a grave !!! (allow the past, yesterday, 10 minutes ago, be put in a grave).
On that early morning, as a few went to the grave to finish the burial, they noticed that the One they buried, was not there.
New Life !! Yes !! New Life had filled the One, and that which had Now New !!!
Trust !! Thank !! and Begin each Day, as a day of Resurrected *New Life !!!!! * Br.Phil. 3-26-13
Ps: trust in the Lord !! You will not be Ashamed !!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


A reflection on just one of the wonderful childhood stories that can be found in St. Luke's Gospel.  A meditation presented by Bro. Phil Bara.

Lets take a look at the Scriptures of Luke’s Gospel. In chapter 2 verses 48-49, Mary the Mother of Jesus asks the question “Why did you do this to us? Your dad and I have been looking for you everywhere.”

I reflected upon this and brought to my mind are the many who are looking for the Lord Jesus Christ. Searching everywhere for solutions to the many questions of Life. Frantically running here and there for the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Someone to trust !!

Gazing at the scene portrayed in this Gospel Scripture we recollect how the Holy Couple, Mary and Joseph had thought that Jesus was with friends. Pondering this portion of the search, I am reminded of the many times that  I had thought of my friends as being the answer to the questions I was asking. Thinking that since they are on the journey through life with me that surely they would have the solution.

In the search for Jesus, Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple. Both worried and frustrated.   Since they had not found Jesus, they most likely were considering asking the priests,elders, and others to pray with them. Certainly they had to be reaching for the last straw.  Why not drop by God's house and see if there was solace and success there.

Entering the temple they found Jesus in the midst of the teachers, listening and questioning.  They were dumbfounded at the prudence and the wisdom of his answers.  This portion of the Gospel reveals to me that the answers, solutions, and explanations to the questions about Life, are found within the Walls of the Sacred Gatherings. In the Assembly of the Church, is found the One who answers our questions. Jesus Himself has stated:  “ That two or more are gathered in my Name, I will be found among them.”

Hopefully your search for the Way, the Truth, and the Life, will lead you to enter into the *Walls of the Sacred Gathering* and you will find the One, who will answer your questions with prudence and wisdom!!
                                                          Br. Phil. Bara......    4-10-13

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


*Focus Thoughts and Live Life*
Life is an action word. Doing activities, achieving goals as realized accomplishments, and enjoying each moment, is possible. Although many times this may seem that with all the obstacles and challenges, that this is an improbable possibility. Trusting God, and having real confidence in our divine inspiration will cause the impossible to be possible.  “Let there be Light”  was the first command that was given by the Creator, and with this Light, Vision was created. When we focus our Inner Vision upon the Divine Light we are able to see the path that will lead us forward. Asking in prayer that our Vision be clear, guiding us in stepping forward with trust, and in achieving each
accomplishment along the way, will produce progress.  Moment by moment more will be demonstrated by our behavior and our understanding that the path we are on is Illuminated.  Our Focus in prayer will cause a closer relationship with God.
Regardless how depressed, or overwhelmed one may be at the present moment.  Perseverance ,*One day at a Time !!* in following the Divinely inspired directions will lead one to the Blessings of the *Promised Land*.  The *Land* may not be a geographical location, but it will be a *Land* filled with the milk and honey of the Peace of Christ’s Presence.
Focusing upon all that is above, I am reminded of that which Jesus said; “ I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life....” (John 14:6)
This reality is also revealed in the powerful lyrics of Psalm 119:105 “Thy Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light upon my path....”.  In the same Psalm, this praise is followed by the cry, "...give me life in accord with your Word." (verse 107)
As is stated somewhere !!! “ One is Lost, until a Path and Lamp is Given !!”        Happy Resurrection Day !!
                                                                                    Br.Phil. Bara, 3-25-13

Saturday, March 23, 2013


“Great is the God of the Christians!!”  This was the Battle Cry, of many knights, sailors,
and Warriors in the Coliseum !!  This HooRahh !! ought to be ours today. Throughout our Life
we have many times when we need to not only proceed with caution, but with the zeal of a Warrior.
The early martyrs, and also the gladiators, that gathered in the days of persecution would cry out this verse. The tears that many expected to occur would turn to shouts of praise. So as we proceed with all of our many challenges may we be in Spiritual Unison with the many of the Historic Past. Lets unite our hearts and souls with the Valiant ones of yesteryear and Echo their cry of courageous witness: “Great is the God of the Christians !!”
                                                                                                                                                              Br.Phil. 3-23-13