
Friday, September 5, 2014


(Editor's note:
I did not put this graphic here to plug the book but to prepare the reader for what follows.)

   The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) predicted Jesus Christ. Throughout the many books of Judaism there are prophecies. These prophecies point forward to the birth, death, and resurrection, of the One named Jesus of Nazareth.
   Found in the reading of the handwritten documents and letters of the followers of Jesus Christ, known as the New Testament, are the fulfilling events of the prophecies.  Throughout the ages there have been skeptics, who have always questioned and attempted to contradict the eyewitness accounts of these writings.
    Presently though, during these more educated times, there have been intellectual individuals, scholars, doctors, and many adepts of scientific thought, who were at one time skeptics, but now have changed their beliefs about Jesus the Christ.
Here are a few along with the conclusions to which they came based on their investigation :
      (1)    John Singleton, 19th century lawyer, England:  
“I know quite well what evidence is!  I can truthfully state that the evidential proof concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, has not been disproven.”
      (2)    Simon Greenleaf, Harvard University –legal author
“It is impossible that the writers of the Sacred Scriptures and Letters could have persisted in affirming the realities narrated, had the reality of Jesus` Resurrection not occurred.”
      (3)    Smithsonian Institute `Archeology / Museum:     
...of all the literature, historical documents, manuscripts, of ancient eras, the Scriptures are the most accurate, greater in content than the writings of Egypt, Macedonia, and Greece. Archeology has proven the contents.”
      (4)    George Bancroft, U.S. Navy, Annapolis Naval Academy:
“The name Jesus Christ, is found written upon almost all the pages of U.S. Historical and Military Journals.”
      (5)    William Albright, with N. Glouck,  Orthodox Archeologists:
“ Categorically no archeological discoveries have ever controverted Biblical reference. All findings, to date, have confirmed with clarity and detail, the events of Scripture.”
( 6 ) P.Laibe, Chasidic Orthodox, Judaic Scholar:
“I accept as proof, the Resurrection, of Yeshua ben David. This being not an invention of the community of archaic disciples, but a true reality of `Hashem intervention in the history of mankind.”

                    Proceeding into the month of September, we become aware of the daylight hours diminishing. Lets take a few moments of time, during the evening, to contemplate on the Light that eternally shines. Reflecting upon the quotes of the scholars, let’s remember the awareness of His Presence. The Presence of Jesus Christ perceived and felt many times during our communal gatherings, prayer meetings, and Eucharistic devotions. The Light that shines with, in, and through
us, unlike the daylight that seems to lessen, as time moves on, the Light, we have shines Bright Eternally.

**Jesus Christ, The Light Everlasting**
        Timothy  3:16...***  God was manifested in the flesh, justifies in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among Gentiles, believed in the world, received up into Glory.
****We trust not the words of dead leaders. We trust the Words of the Living, Alive, Resurrected, King of kings, Jesus Christ. ****
                                                                                    Br. Phil.  9-2014

(1) London Law Journal, 1874, Creation Life pbls.    
(2) *Testimony of Evangelist* 1853, U.M.K.C.-School of Law, Smithsonian Institute,
(3) *Greatest Thoughts about ...* N.Y. 1930,  (5)Archeology & Religion, John Hopkins University, 1965, 1959,

( 6 ) *Chasidic Thesis about Judaic Monotheism / Christian Trinitarians*, University of Philadelphia, Rabbinical-1981