
Tuesday, December 11, 2012


December Already !! The month when throughout the world many celebrate the Birthday of our King Jesus, the Christ, the Baby born in Bethlehem. Happy Birthday King Jesus, Son of David !!
Many have read, and heard, throughout their lives the statement that Gabriel, an Archangel, who was sent to Mary,
daughter of Anna, of the House of David. “Hail !!  Full of Grace !!...” 

Many have even prayed these words, in private or in larger assemblies. Some pray these words daily with their families.
Lets take a look at these words, pronounced by the Archangel Gabriel. The first word we see is ‘Hail’ this word is an early addressing word used - to call, to awaken to attention, and is used today during military, and naval ceremonies, for the call of assembly. ‘Hail’ may have come from the Hebrew word Hallel – Praise be. Gabriel may have used this
word Hallel when addressing Mary .
The second word is "full," a word we use to describe contents of a container, filled to the top. 
The word "Grace" is next. This word is used for the prayer said before a meal, often. Yet the word "Grace" is also used in many other ways with other meanings. "Grace" is used to describe Beauty, not the attractive, glamorous type, but the Beauty that is presewnt when the discipline needed to achieve quality presentations rules.  Example-
“The skater glided across the ice with such grace.”
Another use of this word "Grace," is the Favor of God, given by God, because of His Love. This use of "Grace" is found in the
New Testament, many times. "Grace" is found in the Letters, the Epistles, of the disciples of Christ. A few occurrences where this word "Grace" is used are the following Scriptures: II Corinthians 8:7—As you abound in everything, Faith,
Utterance, Knowledge, Diligence, see that you abound in Grace, also. II Corinthians 9:8---God is able to make all Grace abound in you, having sufficiency in all things, we may abound to do good work. Romans 5:2---This "Grace" in which we stand, Rejoicing in the Hope of the Glory of God.  We can perceive that Grace is-----where Blessings are. Our Lord’s desire is that Grace be received by us and that we make of ourselves a channel of His action as well.
The Grace of our Lord can be received and applied to every area of our lives, when we ask in prayer, for the area to be Blessed.
Grace is also found when the Presence of God appears. The Throne of His Presence and Glory, is also known as the Throne of His Grace, we can find this noted in Hebrews, Ch. 4 . “Lets arrive boldly, to the Throne of His Graceobtaining Mercy, finding Grace to help us in our times of need.” 
So with this word "Grace"  *The Blessing, and Favor, of God !!* as a focus during this Christmas Season, lets remind each other to receive by prayer, and partake in Eucharist, Grace. Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Baby of Bethlehem, purchased for us through Grace. So lets be *Thankful* for this Gift !!!
Br. Phil Bara 
Merry Christmas !! Feliz Navidad !! Joyeux Noel !! Wesolych Swiat !! Chuck Myung Jien Sien !! Buon Natale !!!