
Thursday, April 25, 2013


Hi !!  I have learned that to be of service, or encouragement to others when I am down is a good way to change, or make better the challenges of the moment. The following is an e-mail  that I sent to a person in need of encouragement. A believer in Montana...I do not know !!
Please read and give your Wisdom (Chokmah) concerning the e-mail of edification !!!
hHalleluJah !! Jesus Christ our Ever living King, is with you !! During this Resurrection Season, may *New* Life be in, with, and  through you. May your very Breath be filled with the Freshness of His Presence. You look at your reflection in a mirror realize that our Father creator does not make junk. Gaze out into the night sky, or out to the trees, flowers, and other Beauties of Nature.
While you are doing this reflect that you are more important than any of these !! I also was once in a similar challenge !! I had to Trust in the Creator Father, in-with-through Jesus Christ, that Life is and will change for the better.
Many years ago !!! Some people that were strong in Faith felt abandoned for a few hours. The One that they left all to follow, with their whole heart, was dead and put into a grave !!! (allow the past, yesterday, 10 minutes ago, be put in a grave).
On that early morning, as a few went to the grave to finish the burial, they noticed that the One they buried, was not there.
New Life !! Yes !! New Life had filled the One, and that which had Now New !!!
Trust !! Thank !! and Begin each Day, as a day of Resurrected *New Life !!!!! * Br.Phil. 3-26-13
Ps: trust in the Lord !! You will not be Ashamed !!

Thursday, April 11, 2013


A reflection on just one of the wonderful childhood stories that can be found in St. Luke's Gospel.  A meditation presented by Bro. Phil Bara.

Lets take a look at the Scriptures of Luke’s Gospel. In chapter 2 verses 48-49, Mary the Mother of Jesus asks the question “Why did you do this to us? Your dad and I have been looking for you everywhere.”

I reflected upon this and brought to my mind are the many who are looking for the Lord Jesus Christ. Searching everywhere for solutions to the many questions of Life. Frantically running here and there for the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Someone to trust !!

Gazing at the scene portrayed in this Gospel Scripture we recollect how the Holy Couple, Mary and Joseph had thought that Jesus was with friends. Pondering this portion of the search, I am reminded of the many times that  I had thought of my friends as being the answer to the questions I was asking. Thinking that since they are on the journey through life with me that surely they would have the solution.

In the search for Jesus, Mary and Joseph arrived at the temple. Both worried and frustrated.   Since they had not found Jesus, they most likely were considering asking the priests,elders, and others to pray with them. Certainly they had to be reaching for the last straw.  Why not drop by God's house and see if there was solace and success there.

Entering the temple they found Jesus in the midst of the teachers, listening and questioning.  They were dumbfounded at the prudence and the wisdom of his answers.  This portion of the Gospel reveals to me that the answers, solutions, and explanations to the questions about Life, are found within the Walls of the Sacred Gatherings. In the Assembly of the Church, is found the One who answers our questions. Jesus Himself has stated:  “ That two or more are gathered in my Name, I will be found among them.”

Hopefully your search for the Way, the Truth, and the Life, will lead you to enter into the *Walls of the Sacred Gathering* and you will find the One, who will answer your questions with prudence and wisdom!!
                                                          Br. Phil. Bara......    4-10-13