God of Everlasting Life, Bless us !! Thank You Lord, for all the
areas of Your Presence !!
How many times in our lives have we done things, such as
participate in social activities, and thought to ourselves, "this
is just to pass time" ?
How many times have we written simple letters and cards to
others, thinking that the writing was only momentary and would be quickly forgotten?
Many years ago, in Lorraine France, a child was born,
Nicolas Herman. As Nicolas matured he joined the Carmelite
Order changing his name to Br. Lawrence of the Resurrection.
Br. Lawrence's position at the monastery was in the kitchen.
Day after day, Lawrence prepared food, washed dishes, and
kept the kitchen clean. The tasks, although menial, were
always done with enthusiasm.
Br. Lawrence always lifted the tasks up as an offering of worship to our Creator. The kitchen always seemed to be filled with the Presence of God. The supplies seemed to always be sufficient and the work was always done.
Br. Lawrence would write letters to others during his free time. A few of these letters were read by some members of the Church hierarchy. These officials were amazed at the depth, insight, and eloquence of the content in the letters.
As time progressed the interest in the letters grew. The letters were gathered together and published into a book entitled *The Practice of the Presence of God* has been, and still is, read by Catholic and Protestant students alike.
The message throughout the ages remains the same. This being that when the simple tasks of living are dedicated to God, with thanksgiving, they become an inspiration to others. A simple friendly greeting may have the Power to change someone`s Life. An action done with Love has the ability to change a community.
In reflecting upon this let us not underestimate the significance of the simple moments of Life.
Br. Phil Bara 10-28-13
To explore more about the life and the letters of Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection, ODC, click here.