Saying that the U.S. immigration system is "broken" is like saying that the girl's hymen is broken after she has been raped. Saying that the health care system in the U.S. is "broken" falls into the same category.
These are not "broken" systems. they have been raped, and in fact, not just raped, but gang raped.
These are not "broken" systems. they have been raped, and in fact, not just raped, but gang raped.
In 1986 the Simpson - Mazzoli act became law. The core of the law is that no person who is not able to prove via documentation that he/she has the legal right to be in the country should not be hired to work.
This was the time of the creation of the form I-9. I was a director of human resources for a large international company in San Diego, California at the time. I saw what was coming, so I attended the training sessions that the INS (Immigration and Naturalization Service) presented to human resources managers, directors and other significant business leaders to learn how to distinguish between authentic and counterfeit documents. As it turns out, it was far from rocket science, to use an old expression. It took me about 30 seconds to realize that an authentic Social Security card was printed by an inked,cloth like ribbon and you could tell immediately. Cards that were printed from any other media were bogus.
I also learned how to detect counterfeit "Green Cards" in a flash. No one got by me. No one. Some challenged my judgment and none won.
I had to deal with sloppy "temp" agencies. That was easy. If they did not cooperate with me, they lost the business. It also cost them a lunch for which they got nothing but my stiff-necked refusal to hire undocumented people that they presented. It was easy. I learned and I acted. I refused offers for money, gifts and yes, sex. In one instance, the most pressure was laid to bare by a politically well placed engineering director of a very successful and well heeled government contractor. I beat him too.
The immigration system is not broken. It has been raped for all the years that it has been in place. Yes, the very people who passed the laws, the very people who have the responsibility to enforce the law prefer to take money and make whores of themselves rather than to live by what they propose that others should practice.
The next time you hear that a "system" is broken, any system, rest assured that the person who is saying that is one of the whores who takes the money from the "johns" who don't want to submit to the requirements of the system. I have stories about the health care system too. I also have stories about the labor law system. I do not have to invent them. They happened right in front of my very eyes. Some of them are still happening.
So, friends and neighbors, enjoy the ride. It takes a real sense of humor to be able to get through life. I often wish I had the talent of a political cartoonist. I don't, so I guess I'll just have to get by with the little talent that I have.