As a simple introduction to this article I propose a short reflection for you all.
Lately we have had some human set-backs to our accustomed comfort along the road of life.
We have had the news of David and Veronica
We have had the news of Don Dean's demise
We have had the demise of Antonio, Belle's brother
We have the struggle of John, a friend of ours
We now hear about the serious condition of Lennie
We know that Jeanne is really not that well
We also know that Laurie needs our prayers
We know that Tony could use our blessings
We should really accompany his loving children in prayer so that they can all live in God's peace
We should never forget Brian's family in our prayers
We know that Sue, Denis' sister-in-law, cancer
Denis's friends Barbara and relative, cancer
We heard about Emelie's friend who died while they were chatting on the telephone
We also pray for our friend Javier in SoCal, quite ill
with dangerous complications
I mention all these people at this time, because the news keeps coming to me and I have the mission to make sure that God gets to hear our cry for help. This happens to be the day when, by an an act of Providence a member of our La Salette Lay Missionary Community composed a short meditative poem about the unity of God's community here on earth as lived through the mystery of the Sacrament of the Eucharist. He mentions in four distinct thoughts the mystery of Unity contained in the mixture of the drop of water that is added to the Sacred Blood of Christ in the chalice at Mass. Every day, around the world, that mystery is remembered and therefore reinserted into our relationship with Jesus Christ. We may not be present before the altar of sacrifice when it happens, but we know that it is real and that the very thought of it puts us in contact with Christ and with one another.
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Completely Human, completely Divine.
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our blessed humanity in Common Union,
Joined to Jesus Christ our King .
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our sainted citizenship, our common union
With the Saints of all Time.
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our celebration of the Event, the active Signature
Ratification of the Beginning (Α), and the End (Ω).
Reflecting !! Bro. Phil B. 5-4-14
Joined with Christ, in Him and through Him, we pray for one another. We pray that He support us in all that we do all the time that we have with Him and with each other in this life.