**Someone must be Eternal** ( A.M.D.G.)
Thirty years ago a documentary aired on National T.V. The series viewed for a week, and includedwell prepared scientific material researched by Carl Sagan. The title of this documentary is `Cosmos`.
An amazing statement was proclaimed by Dr. Sagan; “The Cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and all that there ever will be.” Dr. Sagan`s pronouncement was presented after his many hours of scientific research, defining and verifying the evidence, before he made his statement.
Science, mankind`s applied knowledge for the reasons for life, suggests that every effect, or event, must have a cause. The *Big Bang* theory is the reason the Universe exists. This could be the possible reason, but there had to be a cause for this event to occur. I believe this event occurred because of a Person, known as God, who spoke *The Word*. Science has denied the evidence of this, many times.
Many years ago, at San Francisco State University. There was a Biology educator, Dean Kenyon, he co-authored a book : *Biochemical Predestination*. The scientific presentation underlining this work was to state a hypothesis that “all living organism evolved from non-living materials, chemical
processes found in nature.” I find this rather absurd due to the fact that the chemicals, the materials, had to have an origin. How and where did the this originate ?
There must be a Creator who spoke and is orchestrating this marvel that is the Cosmos. Dr. Kenyon arrived at this
conclusion, yet he was silenced by the Science Dept. and denied the liberty to present his conclusions.
“The Theory of Evolution must not be contested.” was the University's final statement.
In 1925, the A.C.L.U. argued that school systems must offer a variety of theories concerning how the Universe began. For a period of time, classes offered many different theories and
viewpoints about the Cause of the Universe. The origins of Life offered covered even the many Native and Asiatic legends. The arguments began and a solution was brought forth. The teaching
of Evolution would be the only rational explanation given. Creationism was labeled as part of Religion, therefore not taught at any state operated school. Therefore the students of today
are manipulated into accepting a `one way` closed minded, set of probabilities presented to them by atheistic and agnostic educators.
Mankind builds systems of technology, makes advancements in Science. With these in mind, what happens when the Earth, the Weather, and other Natural forces disrupt the plans
laid out ... ? Disharmony, Disaster, and Chaos, occur.
(9 +/- 10 x`s)
With the Creator and Creationism in mind, we observe ... Harmony, Restoration, and Order.
(Yes !! we can use the same equation !! 9 out of 10 events)
Realistically and with some `Common Sense` !! Lets consider Creationism and the Creator idea.
Nature and the Universe surrounding us, points and proves that there must be a Creator, an Orchestrator, known as God, who spoke at the Beginning and upholds Order, even Now !!
Romans 1:19-20,
What can be known about God is plain to perceive.
God has revealed Himself since the Beginning.
The Universe and all that is contained was created
by the Word spoken by God. His Qualities, Eternal Power,
and Love, are clearly made known to Mankind, by
Nature's Magnificent Reflections !!!
Br. Phil. B. 10 /16 /14