
Monday, October 27, 2014


“There once was a person who had a fig tree in his orchard,
and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none,
he said to the gardener,
‘For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree
but have found none.
So cut it down.
Why should it exhaust the soil?’
He said to him in reply,
‘Sir, leave it for this year also,
and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it;
it may bear fruit in the future.
If not you can cut it down.’”
This is really good to remember when I go through the issues and challenges of the minutes, hours, days, and even months, of growing.  Many times I have gazed at myself and said “What`s the use ? Why keep on being diligent, disciplined, and devoted?”
During those moments I hear a still small voice gently saying “Give yourself more time, Allow yourself the needed regimen to continue growing.”

Shortly after this moment I find that the experienced challenge was a period of growth. 

I, many times afterwards, have received Blessings, that I desired.
Reflecting upon this I have realized that if I would have quit, the Blessings may have not arrived.
                                                                                                 Br. Phil. 10-25-14

Thursday, October 16, 2014


  **Someone must be Eternal**   ( A.M.D.G.)
  Thirty years ago a documentary aired on National T.V.  The series viewed for a week, and includedwell prepared scientific material researched by Carl Sagan. The title of this documentary is `Cosmos`.
An amazing statement was proclaimed by Dr. Sagan; “The Cosmos is all there is, all there ever was, and all that there ever will be.”  Dr. Sagan`s pronouncement was presented after his many hours of scientific research, defining and verifying the evidence, before he made his statement.

Science, mankind`s applied knowledge for the reasons for life, suggests that every effect, or event, must have a cause. The *Big Bang* theory is the reason the Universe exists.  This could be the possible reason, but there had to be a cause for this event to occur.  I believe this event occurred because of a Person, known as God, who spoke *The Word*.  Science has denied the evidence of this, many times.

Many years ago, at San Francisco State University. There was a Biology educator, Dean Kenyon, he co-authored a book : *Biochemical Predestination*.  The scientific presentation underlining this work was to state a hypothesis that “all living organism evolved from non-living materials, chemical
processes found in nature.”   I find this rather absurd due to the fact that the chemicals, the materials, had to have an origin. How and where did the this originate ?
There must be a Creator who spoke and is orchestrating this marvel that is the Cosmos.   Dr. Kenyon arrived at this
conclusion, yet he was silenced by the Science Dept. and denied the liberty to present his conclusions.
“The Theory of Evolution must not be contested.” was the University's final statement.

  In 1925, the A.C.L.U. argued that school systems must offer a variety of theories concerning how the Universe began. For a period of time, classes offered many different theories and
viewpoints about the Cause of the Universe. The origins of Life offered covered even the many Native and Asiatic legends. The arguments began and a solution was brought forth. The teaching
of Evolution would be the only rational explanation given.  Creationism was labeled as part of Religion, therefore not taught at any state operated school.  Therefore the students of today
are manipulated into accepting a `one way` closed minded, set of probabilities presented to them by atheistic and agnostic educators.
  Mankind builds systems of technology, makes advancements in Science.  With these in mind, what happens when the Earth, the Weather, and other Natural forces disrupt the plans
laid out ... ?  Disharmony, Disaster, and Chaos, occur. 
(9 +/- 10 x`s)
With the Creator and Creationism in mind, we observe ... Harmony, Restoration, and Order.
(Yes !! we can use the same equation !! 9 out of 10 events)
Realistically and with some `Common Sense` !!   Lets consider Creationism and the Creator idea.  

Nature and the Universe surrounding us, points and proves that there must be a Creator, an Orchestrator, known as God, who spoke at the Beginning and upholds Order, even Now !!
Romans 1:19-20,   
What can be known about God is plain to perceive. 
God has revealed Himself since the Beginning. 
The Universe and all that is contained was created 
by the Word spoken by God. His Qualities, Eternal Power, 
and Love, are clearly made known to Mankind, by 
Nature's Magnificent Reflections !!!
                                                                  Br. Phil. B.   10 /16 /14

Friday, September 5, 2014


(Editor's note:
I did not put this graphic here to plug the book but to prepare the reader for what follows.)

   The Old Testament (Hebrew Scriptures) predicted Jesus Christ. Throughout the many books of Judaism there are prophecies. These prophecies point forward to the birth, death, and resurrection, of the One named Jesus of Nazareth.
   Found in the reading of the handwritten documents and letters of the followers of Jesus Christ, known as the New Testament, are the fulfilling events of the prophecies.  Throughout the ages there have been skeptics, who have always questioned and attempted to contradict the eyewitness accounts of these writings.
    Presently though, during these more educated times, there have been intellectual individuals, scholars, doctors, and many adepts of scientific thought, who were at one time skeptics, but now have changed their beliefs about Jesus the Christ.
Here are a few along with the conclusions to which they came based on their investigation :
      (1)    John Singleton, 19th century lawyer, England:  
“I know quite well what evidence is!  I can truthfully state that the evidential proof concerning the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, has not been disproven.”
      (2)    Simon Greenleaf, Harvard University –legal author
“It is impossible that the writers of the Sacred Scriptures and Letters could have persisted in affirming the realities narrated, had the reality of Jesus` Resurrection not occurred.”
      (3)    Smithsonian Institute `Archeology / Museum:     
...of all the literature, historical documents, manuscripts, of ancient eras, the Scriptures are the most accurate, greater in content than the writings of Egypt, Macedonia, and Greece. Archeology has proven the contents.”
      (4)    George Bancroft, U.S. Navy, Annapolis Naval Academy:
“The name Jesus Christ, is found written upon almost all the pages of U.S. Historical and Military Journals.”
      (5)    William Albright, with N. Glouck,  Orthodox Archeologists:
“ Categorically no archeological discoveries have ever controverted Biblical reference. All findings, to date, have confirmed with clarity and detail, the events of Scripture.”
( 6 ) P.Laibe, Chasidic Orthodox, Judaic Scholar:
“I accept as proof, the Resurrection, of Yeshua ben David. This being not an invention of the community of archaic disciples, but a true reality of `Hashem intervention in the history of mankind.”

                    Proceeding into the month of September, we become aware of the daylight hours diminishing. Lets take a few moments of time, during the evening, to contemplate on the Light that eternally shines. Reflecting upon the quotes of the scholars, let’s remember the awareness of His Presence. The Presence of Jesus Christ perceived and felt many times during our communal gatherings, prayer meetings, and Eucharistic devotions. The Light that shines with, in, and through
us, unlike the daylight that seems to lessen, as time moves on, the Light, we have shines Bright Eternally.

**Jesus Christ, The Light Everlasting**
        Timothy  3:16...***  God was manifested in the flesh, justifies in the Spirit, seen by angels, preached among Gentiles, believed in the world, received up into Glory.
****We trust not the words of dead leaders. We trust the Words of the Living, Alive, Resurrected, King of kings, Jesus Christ. ****
                                                                                    Br. Phil.  9-2014

(1) London Law Journal, 1874, Creation Life pbls.    
(2) *Testimony of Evangelist* 1853, U.M.K.C.-School of Law, Smithsonian Institute,
(3) *Greatest Thoughts about ...* N.Y. 1930,  (5)Archeology & Religion, John Hopkins University, 1965, 1959,

( 6 ) *Chasidic Thesis about Judaic Monotheism / Christian Trinitarians*, University of Philadelphia, Rabbinical-1981

Monday, August 11, 2014


Trust in our Lord God, our confidence is because of Him.
The Lord God, our Father, is our Rock, a Solid Foundation of Defense.
During our times of trial and exasperation, Our Lord God gives us Strength.
Our Protection is found by Trusting in our Refuge, our Lord God.
Trust in our Lord God, We will never be `let down` or ashamed.

The Mercy of our God, is New Every Morning !!
                                                                   Br. Phil. B.   8-5-14

Psalm 62:

2 My soul rests in God alonefrom whom comes my salvation.

3 God alone is my rock and salvation, my fortress; 
           I shall never fall.
My soul, waits silently for God alone,
For my expectation is from Him.
He only is my rock and my salvation;
He is my defense;
I shall not be moved.
7In God is my salvation and my glory;
The rock of my strength,
And my refuge, is in God.
8Trust in Him at all times, you people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.
11God has spoken once,
Twice I have heard this:
That power belongs to God.
12Also to You, O Lord, belongs mercy;
For You render to each one according to his work.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014


Lets speak to one another with Psalms, Hymns, and Songs of the Spirit.
Lets begin to build each other up, in our Faith. Within our Hearts are found songs of Thanksgiving to God, our Father, and to Jesus Christ, our Lord .
 Let’s begin to proclaim Jesus Christ, as Lord, and receive Him into our lives. We become rooted and firm, strengthened in our Trust.
Let’s continue to renew ourselves in the Faith, and become very Thankful, for all that Jesus Christ, has brought us through.
Let’s continue simply remembering the many small and large victories that we have Brought home as a sure sign of our Foundation in Christ.
Let’s continue reminding ourselves that every time we gather and partake of the Most Holy Eucharist, we are ingesting the Body and Blood of the King of kings, and Lord of lords !! 
Let’s resolve that at the next reception of this Sacrament, to meditate and perceive that we are members of the Body of Jesus Christ, united with each other as “God Bearers” and “Arks of the New Covenant !!”

Let’s resolve to meditate and reflect on this prophetic promise:  “If my people are converted, Rock and Stones will be turned into heaps of Wheat.”                    Mary, Our Lady of LaSalette, Sept. 19, 1846.
Bro. Phil Bara - 6-24-2014         

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


Reading is good for the Spirit, 
Reading enriches the Heart.
          Reading is an Adventure, 
An Exciting Journey once you Start.
Reading is Learning, gaining 
Knowledge, Understanding,
Practicing how to use the Mind.

Reading opens the Eyes of Inner Vision, 
Providing Healing for the Soul,
Protecting us from going Blind.

Reading the Message of LaSalette, 
 Of Mary our Mother Dear.
 Reading of God's Love, 
Making Reconciliation's meaning,
          Oh so very Clear.

A simple blessing from
Bro. Phil Bara 5/31/2014

Sunday, May 4, 2014


As a simple introduction to this article I propose a short reflection for you all.
Lately we have had some human set-backs to our accustomed comfort along the road of life.
We have had the news of David and Veronica
We have had the news of Don Dean's demise
We have had the demise of Antonio, Belle's brother
We have the struggle of John, a friend of ours
We now hear about the serious condition of Lennie
We know that Jeanne is really not that well
We also know that Laurie needs our prayers
We know that Tony could use our blessings
We should really accompany his loving children in prayer so that they can all live in God's peace
We should never forget Brian's family in our prayers
We know that Sue, Denis' sister-in-law, cancer
Denis's friends Barbara and relative, cancer
We heard about Emelie's friend who died while they were chatting on the telephone
We also pray for our friend Javier in SoCal, quite ill
with dangerous complications

I mention all these people at this time, because the news keeps coming to me and I have the mission to make sure that God gets to hear our cry for help.  This happens to be the day when, by an an act of Providence a member of our La Salette Lay Missionary Community composed a short meditative poem about the unity of God's community here on earth as lived through the mystery of the Sacrament of the Eucharist.  He mentions in four distinct thoughts the mystery of Unity contained in the mixture of the drop of water that is added to the Sacred Blood of Christ in the chalice at Mass.  Every day, around the world, that mystery is remembered and therefore reinserted into our relationship with Jesus Christ.  We may not be present before the altar of sacrifice when it happens, but we know that it is real and that the very thought of it puts us in contact with Christ and with one another.
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our Lord Jesus Christ
Completely Human, completely Divine.
A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our blessed humanity in Common Union,
Joined to Jesus Christ our King .

A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our sainted citizenship, our common union
With the Saints of all Time.

A drop of water is added to the cup of wine,
Never to be separated again.
Our celebration of the Event, the active Signature
Ratification of the Beginning (Α), and the End (Ω).

                     Reflecting !!  Bro. Phil B. 5-4-14
Joined with Christ, in Him and through Him, we pray for one another.  We pray that He support us in all that we do all the time that we have with Him and with each other in this life.  

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Don't pray for miracles, expect them

We don’t have a boring Faith, because we don’t have a boring God.  From the very Beginning, Super-Natural events are reported in writing and fill the pages of the Scriptures about how magnificent and exciting our God is. Considering the amount of splendor describing our God found not only in Sacred Scripture, but in many other writings, I am limiting this to the fulfillment of two Prophetic verses that Isaiah proclaimed. These are found in the Book of Isaiah chapter 7:14, and in chapter 53. This Book of Isaiah was written many years before Jesus of Nazareth, arrived.

In Isaiah 7:14, we read about a virgin giving birth to a child, "and you will call him Emmanuel."
This is found also in the Gospels, especially Mathew 1:23, referring to Mary and Jesus. The 53rd chapter of Isaiah, gives us a preview of our Lord`s day of Crucifixion.

  Miracles are followed by more manifestation of miracles throughout the readings pertaining to our Lord Jesus Christ. A miracle is an event or a series of conditions that cannot be explained by scientific theory, or according to the known laws of nature. Super-Natural is a descriptive way of describing miracles. An `Action of God` is a popular expression used by those who believe.

  The Apostle John wrote a Prophetic verse found in the Gospel bearing his name. John says “if all the works of Jesus could be written, the world could not contain all the books.” This prophecy has been and is being fulfilled to this very day. To experience this, all you have to do is enter a bookstore, or enter the terms “Christian reading material / books” in a computer search engine.

Throughout History and presently, people of all the Earth's nations, have called upon the Name of Jesus Christ in prayer. The outpouring of God`s Love and Mercy in response to the prayers directed to Him in profound trust are voluminous and overwhelming. We witness healings of many hopeless illnesses, deliverances from “impossible” situations, the filling of needs of the many, and the satisfying of acutely `heart felt` desires of many on a daily basis.

The Blessings of God occur at every moment of every day because Jesus Christ is Alive, and that is the *Reality*. The Presence of our Risen King Jesus Christ can be perceived when we turn to Him to send up a sincere request for His Presence. Many times, in many places, many peoplewith just a very small amount of Trust, have experienced *Supernatural* (miraculous) answers to prayer in their entire being.

  Continuing and persevering Faith and Trust in our `Risen Lord Jesus Christ` is the most exciting Adventure that we can experience. Be encouraged, for a life filled with Faith in Jesus Christ, is not `boring`.
Take some time today and read Isaiah's chapter 53, reflect on what our Lord accomplished.
But don’t just stop with this reading.  Move on a bit; continue; explore a little....and find our for yourself that our Faith is Not Boring.

                                           Br.Phil.B.    4-22-14

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Psalm 30:5 – "... in His favor is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning." 

Matthew 28:1 says"In the end of the Sabbath, as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulcher." Verses 5-6 record what these women saw and heard "And the angel answered and said unto the women, Fear not ye: for I know that ye seek Jesus, which was crucified. He is not here: for He is risen, as He said..."
  As we read the above Scriptures we become aware that there are periods in Life when we perceive that all around us is “darkness.”  Moments of darkness have been since the Beginning of Creation.  In Genesis we read that the Earth was `dark and void` and that from this came forth *Light.* In Psalm 30:5, we read that weeping (discouragement) may be for awhile, yet afterward is the morning. When we trust in the Reality that the `darkness` will pass,  the time spent during the night can still be filled with positive, faith filled, enthusiastic actions.
When we read of the Resurrection event we find that the sadness of the death of Jesus is filling the hearts of the disciples.  Yet as the followers enter the tomb they are struck with the *Brightness* of the moment. An Angel of God announces that Jesus has risen.
Joy, Amazement, and Wonder overtake the morning gathering, later to be shared with the many who did not go to the grave.
This is Resurrection Sunday.  Let’s lift up our eyes and see that whatever blessings the darkness may attempt to hide from us, we will see and receive what the divine light sends us.
Let’s all together sing and shout “HalleluJah !! Jesus Christ is Alive just as He
has said !!”

                                                                                 Br. Phil   4-18-14

Friday, April 18, 2014


Listen, you guys, what I have written, I have written
Ecoutez, messieurs, ce que j'ai écrit, est écrit
Ascoltate, che ho scritto, e scritto
Oyed, que he scrito, y lo que he scrito esta
Denggenyo, ti sinuratko, sinuratko
Ang sinulat ko, sinulat ko
When I hear these words coming from Pilate I can't help but think that they are being said from the same frame of mind as when Caiphas said, "If this is from God, nothing can stop it."
I also remember the first chapter of John's Gospel when John states emphatically, "He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him." [John 1;11]  

I think that it is an important reminder to us who consider ourselves to be faithful disciples that if Pilate can show a glimmer of faith in the mystery that took place before him, we had better stay ready and open to all that God places before us along the road of life.

Today I sat there in the Benedictine monastery where the Passion Story was being chanted wondering about the toughness of Pilate before the officials of Jerusalem as compared to the weak heartedness of Jesus' closest disciples.  I was also asking myself if, like Peter, I need some prodding to enter the gate and come around the fire of the Savior's loving suffering.  John wasn't afraid, he was there, inside the courtyard and he had been recognized as a friend of the Captive.  He didn't have to be invited; Maybe he was daring the temple officials to try him too;  John didn't take out his sword.  He carried his faith out in the open believing that in the presence of the Divine Lamb he had nothing to fear.

What about us?  Do we fiddle faddle around the edges waiting to be invited?  Maybe it is time to repent;  maybe it is time to reconcile ourselves with God and His expectations of us for the greater glory of His Mission.

Quand j'entends ces mots venant de Pilate Je ne peux pas m'empêcher de penser qu'ils sont prononces dans le même l'esprit que lorsque Caïphe dit: «Si cela vient de Dieu, rien ne peut l'arrêter. »
Je me souviens aussi du premier chapitre de l'Evangile de Jean, où John affirme catégoriquement: «Il est venu chez les siens, et les siens ne l’ont pas accepté. " [ Jean 1 , 11 ]

Je pense que c'est un rappel important pour nous qui nous considérons comme disciples fidèles, que si Pilate peut montrer une lueur de la foi dans le mystère qui a lieu devant lui, nous ferions mieux de rester prêt et ouvert à tout ce que Dieu place devant nous le long de la route de la vie.

Aujourd'hui je me suis assis là, dans le monastère bénédictin où se chantât l’histoire de la Passion et je m'interrogeais sur la ténacité de Pilate devant les fonctionnaires de Jérusalem par rapport à la faible insouciance des plus proches disciples de Jésus. Je me demandais si, comme Pierre, j'ai besoin
d’insistance à entrer par la porte pour  venir me tenir autour du feu de la souffrance du Sauveur. Jean n'avait pas peur. Il était là, dans la cour et il a été reconnu comme un ami du captif. Il n'avait pas attendu d’être invitée; Peut-être même qu'il posait un défi effronté aux responsables du temple ;  Jean n'a pas pris son épée. Il a porté sa foi à l'air libre de croire que dans la présence de l'Agneau divin, il n'avait rien à craindre.

Qui sommes nous? Sommes-nous des bricoleurs timides qui nous tenons juste dehors de la clôture espérant que quelqu’un viendra vers nous pour nous inviter? Peut-être que c’est la saison du repentir ; peut-être qu'il est temps de se réconcilier avec Dieu et ses attentes de nous pour la plus grande gloire de sa mission .

Cuando oigo esas palabras viniendo de Pilato no puedo evitar de pensar que se dicen a partir de la misma mente que cuando Caifás dijo: "Si esto es de Dios, nada puede detenerlo."
También recuerdo el primer capítulo del Evangelio de Juan, cuando Juan dice enfáticamente: " Vino a los suyos, y los suyos no le recibieron. " [Juan 1, 11]

Creo que es un recordatorio importante para nosotros que nos consideramos discípulos fieles que si Pilato puede mostrar un atisbo de fe en el misterio que tuvo lugar antes que él, habíamos permanecer más listo y abierto a todos los que Dios pone delante de nosotros a lo largo del camino de la vida .

Hoy me senté en el monasterio benedictino donde se estaba cantando la Pasión.  Me preguntaba sobre la dureza de Pilatos ante los funcionarios de Jerusalén, en comparación con la despreocupación débil de los discípulos más cercanos de Jesús. Yo también me preguntaba si, al igual que Pedro , necesito un poco de insistencia para entrar en la puerta para acercarme del fuego del sufrimiento del Salvador. Juan no tenía miedo.  El estaba allí, en el interior del patio y que había sido reconocido como un amigo de la Cautiva. Él no tenía que haber sido invitado; Tal vez él estaba desafiando los oficiales del templo para juzgarlo demasiado; Juan no tomó su espada. Él llevó su fe seguro que, en presencia del Cordero Divino no tenía nada que temer.

¿Qué pasa con nosotros? ¿Quedémonos alrededor de los bordes a la espera de ser invitado ? Tal vez es hora de arrepentirse; tal vez es hora de reconciliarnos con Dios y Sus expectativas de nosotros para la mayor gloria de Su Misión.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

**The Walls of Humanity's Heart**

The world is collapsing around the walls of Humanity’s Heart,
The actions of all the Saints could not move the Hands of Time, back to `Restart`.

The vapors of heat from the fires of Hell, burn much hotter, as many voices tell.
Seeking shelter from the dew of Heaven above,
Hardened and calloused Hearts repel
The Power of Divine Love.

Too many seeking the `perfect` girl or guy,
Students of the `Mysteries of Life` question the reasons “Why ?”
Another beat of the drum, another clang of the bell,
Mystics of the Ages asking “Is there a Heaven? Is there a Hell?”
                                                                                                              Br.Phil. B.


** Les sciences humaines Les murs du cœur **

Le cœur du monde s'effondre autour des murs des sciences humaines,
Les actions de tous les Saints ne pourraient pas bouger la marche du temps par arrière.

Les vapeurs de la chaleur du feu de l'enfer, brûlent toujours beaucoup plus chaud,
Beaucoup de voix, de plus en plus nombreuses crient leurs plaintes.
Tout en cherchant un abri de la rosée du ciel la haut,
Les cœurs endurcis et calleux repoussent la puissance de l'amour divin.

Trop de recherche par les jeunes gens pour l’amie ou le mec parfait.
Ces étudiants des `mystères de la vie` questionnent les raisons avec un "Pourquoi" constant.
Un autre battement du tambour, un autre bruit de la cloche,
Mystiques des âges demandant  « Il y a t’il un paradis? Y a t’il un enfer?

Fr. Phil Bara